La Pazzia Senile Madrigal comedy Ensemble Serikon Performed in Trollhättan, Gothenburg and Copenhagen 2017 Artistic direction & Trombone: Daniel Stighäll Stage direction: Tuvalisa Rangström Scenography: Pia Davidson Pantomime & Choreography: Karin Modigh...
Dialects/Dialogues Dance concert Dialects/Dialogues Choreographies Récréation by Noah Hellwig/Karin Modigh (2017) Les Caractères de la Danse by Marie-Geneviève Massé (2017) Armi-deux by Deda Cristina Colonna (to be created) Composers J-M Leclair, J-F Rebel, J-B Lully...
PRO DA fédération française des PROfessionnels en Danse Ancienne Federating and promoting In 2016 a group of initiators took the first steps towards a federation for early dance professionals in France. PRO D A – fédération française des PROfessionnels en...
Writings Selected articles Topics varying from dance history to performance practice and interviews. Mainly published in magazines, but also in research conference proceedings. Barockdansen i fokus Article on Solen och Nordstjärnan in Swedish Early Music Magazine,...
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